
Sunday, October 17, 2010

On the road a... for the first time!

All suited up! To prep my new bike?!
 I forgot to mention last time that I finally have an easier way of getting around in Santiago. My parents were so kind to buy me a bike for my birthday before they went home.  It has been put to use several times already and hopefully I won’t get lost trying to find the quickest way to practice anymore.

We played the second game of the season this week and Friday morning we got on the road with Caceres as the destination. And on the road we stayed for another 8 or so hours… The longest trip we have to take all year on the bus and it went by faster than I thought it would. Probably because I got used to 10+ hours on the bus at IPFW going to the Dakotas, Oklahoma and New York etc  :-P Or getting stuck in traffic outside Chicago…  It also helps to have some good movies to watch (with Spanish subtitles thanks to Lidia, so I can learn some more Espanol).

We arrived in Caceres in the evening and had some time to take a walk downtown and stop at a few stores. Like always in Spain there were a lot of people everywhere, I’m not saying that as a bad thing at all but actually one of the reasons I like Spain, there is always something going on. One exception is IKEA last week where it was almost impossible to get around as people seemed to have moved into the display apartments and rooms waiting for the rest of the family to show up in time for dinner.

Caceres is the hometown of our head coach Jacinto so I’m sure he was excited to make a statement and win the game Saturday night. Another thing that’s different from what I’m used to is to not having to go straight from the bus to practice. We don’t have shootaround the day of the games either, which I wished we did (not to use that as an excuse for my bad shooting lately…) but because the day is too long anxiously waiting for game time.  We didn’t get off to a great start this game and were behind after the 1st quarter after poor defending and not making easy shots (and a turnover that will haunt my dreams).

I don't think I was being paTient enough on this play... 
Realizing we had to step it up we took control before half-time and took advantage of the increasing fatigue of the players from Caceres. One of the things we have to work on is consistency because we almost let the other team back into the game again towards the end of the 3rd. This will be an even bigger challenge when we match up against better teams that will put even more pressure on us.  This time we responded well and managed to make some important shots in the last period to win comfortably by 20 points.

We left to go home to Santiago right after the game and I was happy being 2-0 in the league even though I have yet to be satisfied with my own performance. At least I had a long bus ride to reflect and beat myself up ;) I can’t wait to get back in the gym and get better!! The bus ride back took a lot longer than what I remembered coming the other way. I couldn't sleep at all and for some reason they wouldn't turn on the heat, or it was broken?, I just heard the word "calefacción" being sad a lot :-P At least I had enough movies to watch! Right before midnight we stopped at a restaurant in Calzada de 'something' for some Bocadillos (sandwich/sub) and Tortilla de Patatas (Spanish omelet). I wish I hadn't forgotten my camera because every wall was decorated with pictures and articles about bullfighting. From what I heard I wouldn't be a fan of the "sport" of breading bulls just to make a show out of killing them, but it was obviously a big thing around there and in Spain in general maybe (?).  Anyways, it's fun to explore new cultures, especially the food! So far I have tried different types of Tapas, Pulpo, Calamare, Empanadas, Rape, Gambas, Profiteroles, Leche Frita, Natilla and stuff I don't know what to call... So far I'm liking what I taste and I'll leave it up to you to figure out what the dishes I mentioned are ;) 

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