
Friday, October 1, 2010

Flashback: Summer 2010

Since the weather here in northern Spain is exactly like Norwegian summers, with rain and cold morning and nights, I decided to share some of my experiences from this summer! My only real vacation was a 4-week trip to the US and it has been a long time since I spent more than just a few weeks at home at a time. I survived living with my parents again for almost 3 months!!! Anything to save some money and be able to borrow a car right ;) Not sure I can do that again... (Just in case they read this: I love you guys)

Back to the fun part about the summer of 2010; One week after the end of my first season as professional basketball player (swiss champs baby!!), I got on the plane to Chicago. The visit at my former teammate and friend's parents was a nice start to my trip ( R.I.P Star <3 ). I then headed to Fort Wayne just in time to celebrate my best friend and college roommate/teammate Sammy's birthday!! I only stayed a few days, but it was awesome to see some of my friends again. To all of you I didn't get to see: You better be around next summer! After a week in Indiana and Michigan (and some sad goodbyes...) the plan was to head south to Dallas, TX to see some more friends, but a T-storm wanted it differently and cancelled my flight :( Fortunately my insurance is awesome, so 36 hours and some new shoes and clothes later I finally arrived in the Lone Star State to see Therese and Lydia. That was the weekend we realized Six flags might not be the best idea the day after a late night down-town Dallas ;)

Therese left to go back to Norway and I my next stop was Forth Worth and the Atkins family that I hadn't seen in 6-7 years!!! I stayed with them one summer while playing AAU basketball with my "sis" Megan, and I had a great time with her and the rest of the family the two weeks I was there this time around. The trip to the lake with the quick stop at Hoot 'n' Holler in Gun Barrel City was definitely a high-light :) We even tried wake-boarding, with emphasis on tried :-P (On a side note; Megan is coming to see me here in Spain next week!) I hope I can go back to Texas next summer too.

The last stop on my trip was Washington DC which is a city I had never been in before. Pavla, who I used to hang out with all the time when we played together at IPFW, had planned out the perfect end to an already amazing vacation! Wine was for sure the theme of my stay with her haha. I met a bunch of great new people as we did everything from participating in a game-show, exploring the night-life in DC including a root-top party (I think Pav agrees that we did a little too much walking in high heels?!), creating our own "fairy-tale picnic" on a vineyard in Virginia, playing ball with some talented youngsters, to seeing the White House and the Smithsonian. O, I almost forgot we also got to watch men in tights at a free ballet event... Pav knows I'll come back soon for some more of those cupcakes she got me too. Yummy!!

I was sad to leave  after what seemed like a way too short vacation, but I knew the summer had just started and more fun was waiting for me at home :)


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